Tag Archives: Rabb

Rabb- The Poem (Muh Dikhai)

Muh dikhai

The album Muh Dikhai showcases one of the poems of Prof Mohan Singh– the title song of the album uses extracts of his Punjabi poem Rabb.

Prof Mohan Singh is one of the greatest names in modern Punjabi poetry and has written several poetry collections. Here is the entire poem. The translation is not exact but I have tried to capture the essence of the words

Prof. Mohan Singh with Shiv Batalvi

रब्ब इक्क गुंझलदार बुझारत

रब्ब इक गोरख-धन्दा ।

खोल्हण लगिआं पेच एस दे

काफ़र हो जाए बन्दा ।

God- such an intricate riddle

He’s that ultimate puzzle

That the one who tries decipher

Often gets pronounced a cynic

काफ़र होणो डर के जीवें

खोजों मूल ना खुंझी

लाईलग्ग मोमन दे कोलों

खोजी काफ़र चंगा ।

But the fear of being labeled that

Shouldn’t be the reason to stop seeking

For a cynic in quest is so much better

Than the blind believer, who is clueless

तेरी खोज विच अकल दे खंभ झड़ गए

तेरी भाल विच थोथा ख़्याल होया ।

लक्खां उंगलां गुंझलां खोल्ह थक्कीआं,

तेरी ज़ुलफ़ दा सिद्धा ना वाल होया ।

In seeking You, all wisdom shed

In waiting for You, all thoughts meaningless

The tired fingers untangled countless knots

But failed to unravel even one tiny bit

घिग्गी बझ्झ गई संखां दी रो-रो के,

पिट्ट-पिट्ट के चूर घड़्याल होया ।

चीक-चीक के कलम दी जीभ पाटी,

अजे हल्ल ना तेरा सवाल होया ।

The blowing conchs choked

The striking gong crumbled

The scribbling pen’s nib splintered

Yet, the mystery remained

तेरी सिक कोई सज्जरी सिक तां नहीं,

इह चरोकणी गले दा हार होई ।

इह उदोकणी जदों दा बुत्त बणिआ,

नाल दिल दी मिट्टी त्यार होई ।1।

This love for You isn’t new

It’s an old part of our being

It started while the body found shape

And was being infused with feelings

तेरे हिजर विच किसे ने कन्न पाड़े

अते किसे ने जटां वधाईआं ने ।

बूहे मार के किसे ने चिले कट्टे,

किसे रड़े ‘ते रातां लंघाईआं ने ।

Grieving in your separation some pierced their ears

And some wore their hair so long

Some tortured and harmed themselves

Some walked the path of austerity

कोई लमकिआ खूह दे विच पुट्ठा,

अते किसे ने धूणिआं ताईआं ने ।

तेरे आशकां ने लक्खां जतन कीते,

पर तूं मूंह तों ज़ुलफ़ां ना चाईआं ने ।

Some dangled into wells upside down

Some smeared their body with ashes

A thousand tricks were tried a thousand times

But You refused to reveal Yourself

तेरी सिक्क दे कई तेहाए मर गए,

अजे तीक ना वसल दा जुग लभ्भा ।

लक्खां सस्सिआं मर गईआं थलां अन्दर,

तेरी डाची दा अजे ना खुरा लभ्भा ।2।

Many died with their wish of attaining your love

Till now no one knows the way for a union

Thousands of Sassis have since died in the desert

Failing to find a trace  of Your camel’s footprint

किसे फुल्ल-कुरान दा पाठ कीता,

किसे दिल दा पत्तरा खोल्हआ वे ।

किसे नैणां दे सागर हंगाल मारे,

किसे हिक्क दा खूंजा फरोलिआ वे ।

Some read all the Holy Scriptures

Some followed their heart’s calling

Some cried an ocean, all in vain

Some chose to silently introspect

किसे गल्ल्हां दे दीवे दी लोअ थल्ले,

तैनूं ज़ुलफ़ां दी रात विच टोलिआ वे ।

रो रो के दुनिआं ने राह पाए,

पर तूं हस्स के अजे ना बोलिआ वे ।

Some frantically with flushed cheeks

Sought You in the nothingness, so dark

The whole world thus struggles on

And is yet to win your affections

दीदे कुलंज मारे तेरे आशिकां ने,

अजे अत्थरू तैनूं ना पोहे कोई ।

तेरी सौंह, कुझ रोण दा मज़ा ही नहीं,

पूंझण वाला जे कोल ना होए कोई ।3।

In their incessant crying your lovers lost their eyes

But the tears had no effect whatsoever

By God, what use is shedding them

When the one supposed to wipe them isn’t around

तेरी मांग दी सड़क ते पिआ जेहड़ा,

उस नूं हील्आं नाल परताइआ तूं ।

हरसां, दौलतां, हुसनां, हकूमतां दा,

उहदे राह विच चोगा खिंडाइआ तूं ।

The one who chose the road to You

You obstructed his path with dangers

Worldly happiness, riches, good looks and power

You strew in his way like bait

किसे कैस नूं लग्गा जे इशक तेरा,

उस नूं लेली दा लेला बणाइआ तूं ।

किसे रांझे नूं चढ़आ जे चा तेरा,

उस नूं हीर दी सेजे सवाइआ तूं ।

If a Qais fell truly in love with you

You made him as passionate as Laila’s majnu

One who sought you madly like Raanjha

You made him experience Heer’s love

साडे हंझूआं कीता ना नरम तैनूं,

साडी आह ने कीता ना छेक तैनूं ।

असीं सड़ गए विछोड़े दी अग्ग अन्दर,

लागे वसद्आं आया ना सेक तैनूं ।4।

Our tears couldn’t soften you

Our sighs couldn’t affect you

We crumbled under the fire of separation

But you didn’t wince or feel the heat

किसे छन्ना बणाइआ जे खोपरी दा,

तूं बुल्ल्हिआं नाल छुहाईआं ना ।

किसे दिल दा रांगला पलंघ डाहआ,

तेरे नाज़ नूं नींदरां आईआं ना ।

Some made a cup of their skull as offering

You refused to put your lips to it

Some offered their adorned heart as a bed

But it wasn’t good enough for you to rest

किसे जुत्तिआं सीतिआं चंम दिआं,

तेरी बे-परवाही ने पाईआं ना ।

रगड़-रगड़ के मत्थे चटाक पै गए,

अजे रहमतां तेरिआं छाईआं ना ।

Some offered you shoes fashioned from their skin

But you remained indifferent to the offering

The forehead was bruised bowing down to you

But you refused to acknowledge and give your blessings

मार सुट्ट्या तेरिआं रोस्आं ने,

फूक सुट्ट्या बे-परवाही तेरी ।

लै के जान तूं अजे ना घुंड चाइआ,

ख़बरे होर की ए मूंह विखाई तेरी ।5।

Your disregard destroyed us

Your indifference set us ablaze

Even offering our life wasn’t enough

What else would it take to get just one glimpse

जे तूं मूंह तों ज़ुलफ़ां हटा देवें,

बिट बिट तक्कदा कुल संसार रह जाए ।

रह जाए भाई दे हत्थ विच संख फड़्या,

बांग मुल्लां दे संघ विचकार रह जाए ।

If you would choose to show yourself

The world would stand and stare in awe

The priest would be left with the conch in his hand

The mullah would be left in the midst of his prayer call

पंडत हुरां दा रह जाए संधूर घुलिआ,

जाम सूफ़ी दा होया त्यार रह जाए ।

कलम ढह पए हत्थों फ़िलासफ़र दी,

मुनकिर तक्कदा तेरी नुहार रह जाए ।

The Pandit would be left with his sindoor paste

The Sufi would not touch his ready cup

The pen would slip off the philosopher’s hand

The angels would in awe just  stand and stare

इक घड़ी जे खुल्हा दीदार दे दएं,

साडा नित्त दा रेड़का चुक्क जावे ।

तेरी ज़ुलफ़ दा सांझा पिआर होवे,

झगड़ा मन्दर मसीत दा मुक्क जावे ।6।

One glimpse only, and

Our daily struggle would be over

We would all be united in your love

The eternal strife in the name of religion would be no more